Full Circle, an Autobiography by Patrick Shortle

An Excerpt from Full Circle

Just before the summer hols ended, I can remember a couple of Coppers knocking on the door, there was only Johnny Boy and myself at home, David was out messing around with one of his new found mates. The Cops came in, had a chat with Johnny Boy, then went around the house, it seemed as if they were looking for something, I remember Johnny Boy saying, and can I leave a note with the Boy? To give to his Mum, so she knows where I am, Johnny Boy scribbled on a bit of paper, he then gave it to me and staring quite strange, as if he was trying to tell me something, he put the note in my pocket, making quite a thing about it, pushing it hard into my pocket, whilst looking at me in that strange way, with that he went off with the Police, although I didn’t realise then, it was obvious they had arrested him, and taken him to the Cops Shop.

Being curious I put a hand in my pocket and pulled the piece of paper out, along with a key, it simply said, this key is for the loft, behind the water tank are two boxes with brass dials, fittings and things, I want you to get them away from the house, don’t mind what you do, but get rid of them.

My heart started pumping, I think I was excited and frightened all at the same time, so up the loft I went, this time with full permission, I followed the instructions in his note, found the boxes, it was a good job I knew where the light was, in the boxes were all sorts of strange looking things, I didn’t have a clue what they were, just knew I had to get rid of them, first task was to get these items out of the loft, which for a nine year old wasn’t easy, I can recall that I decided to put them into the Outhouse in readiness to sling them in Henniker Pond, It was fortunate, that Johnny Boy was taken away by the Coppers, just after breakfast, as it was about to be a long-long day for a young wiper snapper like me, it was quite a trip on its own to Henniker Pond, without having to lug all this stuff, I lost count of the amount of journeys it took, I was so happy when the last run was done.

Mission completed, I was quite chuffed with myself, and looking forward to telling Johnny Boy, how well I had done, it seemed like eternity before he came home, but he eventually arrived, I couldn’t contain myself, this was a big moment for me, Johnny Boy, has never ever given us a pat on the back, praised us, or said well done, I was looking forward seeing his reaction.

He said! Did you get rid of the stuff? Yes I replied, he asked where I put them, I explained that I had taken them to Henniker Pond, now this is when everything went pear shaped, he told me to go and bring them back, I informed him that I had thrown them in the pond, he went berserk, and gave me such an hiding, I was devastated, thinking what a great job I had done, and that I had worked so hard that day, all he could do was go ballistic, the selfish bastard, that would be the last time I would do anything to get him out of trouble again.